The Countdown ------------------------------------ Made by Mazy ( website: ------------------------------------ Textures by: Mazy, j0eSm0e, Telnets, Akuma. Easteregg model by: Bigboned ------------------------------------ NOTE: THIS MAP WAS ORIGINALLY MADE FOR HOSTILE INTENT. THEREFORE THE PLAYERSIZE WAS ESTIMATED TO BE ALOT LARGER THAN THE CS ONES. THEREFORE THE MAP IS EXTREMELY OVERSCALED IN CS. THIS MAKES A GOOD LOOKING MAP LOOK LESS GOOD, BUT IM NOT GONNA REDO THE ENTIRE MAP JUST TO FIX THIS, SORRY ;) ------------------------------------ Counter-Terrorists: Protect the base from being bombed by the Terrorists! Terrorists: Bomb either A-generator on the lower level (near the entrance to the base) or B-generator on the upper level (near Counter-Terrorist startpoint) (note: both bomb spots can be located by following the signs) (Press FIRE to continue)