NOTE: THIS MATERIAL IS NOT MADE OR SUPPORTED BY ACTIVISION. [MP_Wolfsquare for Call of Duty] Version: Final Map Design and Construction: [WP]Mokona (Darwin Yuen) Email: INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: ========================== Place user_mp_wolfsquare_final.pk3 into your CoD/Main folder. To uninstall, simply remove it from your CoD/Main folder. DESCRIPTION: ============ Somewhere in France lies an Axis occupied town that needs to be liberated... Because it is located in an area that the Axis supply lines travel through, Allied High Command has deemed it strategically important to recapture it at all costs. Control of this town means the Axis will have a difficult time getting resupplied in this sector, making it much easier for the Allied war effort... Allies Search and Destroy Briefing: ----------------------------------- Listen up greenhorns! Your unit has been chosen for the honour of leading the attack on this town. The intelligence gathered by the French Resistance indicates that the Axis forces in this sector are basing their operations from the town hall. There is a room in this hall that the Axis have converted to serve as a command centre, filled with communications equipment for the purpose of coordinating their forces in the area. Additionally, a warehouse in town has been converted into a makeshift tank hangar that the Axis are using for the maintenance of their armoured forces. Luckily, after an airstrike earlier today on the town, most of the Axis tanks have been either taken out of commission or are still undergoing repairs. Thus, your primary objectives are to either destroy this command centre (objective A) or destroy the remaining operational Axis tank in town (objective B). The destruction of either one of these objectives will significantly help the Allies (that's us, Private!) in gaining a foothold in this sector of France. Please note that the Axis have fortified themselves during their occupation and are not likely to give up the town without heavy resistance. Good luck, Godspeed and all that... We are depending on you. So now... Get out of my ASS, and into the TOWN! Ten-hut! Axis Search and Destroy Briefing: --------------------------------- Sieg Heil! Thanks to the capture and subsequent torture of certain French Resistance operatives that we have found snooping about town, we have learned of an imminent Allied attack, the purpose of which is to recapture this town and possibly use it as a base of operations for cutting off our supply lines in this sector. As you know, our defenses have been breached at Normandy and the Allies have been steadily advancing through the countryside ever since, so the time of the attack will most likely occur within hours. Unfortunately, due to a surprise air strike earlier this morning, our armour forces have been decimated down to a single operational tank, so you will have virtually no armour support. Because of this town's obvious strategic importance for our forces here in this sector, it is vital that we hold it at all costs. The destruction of our command centre (objective A), or the destruction of our single operational tank in town (objective B) will mean our forces will have a much more difficult time preventing the Allied scum from advancing any further. Good luck with the defense, for the eyes of Germany are upon you. For the Fatherland! FIXED IN 1.2: ============= Some town signage, and outdoor furniture More furniture in radio room More furniture in Axis spawn area Sound entities for fires and doors Portals added Optimization of certain buildings (ie. lowering brush count, as they aren't going to be enterable) FIXED IN 1.3: ============= Removed roof access in courtyard Fixed placement of certain bushes and crates Fixed placement of certain objects Optimized several portal areas FIXED IN 1.3d: ============== Adjusted and deleted some spawnpoints for improvement of gameplay flow Added clip brushes over radios Added clip brushes on other miscellaneous areas to prevent players from getting stuck or abusing geometry Deleted a couple of HQ radios for gameplay reasons FIXED IN RELEASE CANDIDATE: =========================== Tweaking of spawn points to allow for better BEL play Added cover in the form of a truck at Axis hanger Added clip brushes to problem overhang areas Added clip brushes to certain walls in the town hall to prevent people from jumping onto panelling FIXED FOR PUBLIC BETA: ====================== Minor fixes to buildings and layout Changed map name from MP_Townsquare to MP_Wolfsquare FIXED FOR FINAL: ================ A few minor changes to improve gameplay THANK YOUS AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: ========================================================= The folks at Infinity Ward and Activision for producing and publishing Call of Duty. ***ALL THE FOLKS IN WOLFPACK [WP] CoD and DoD Branches, for testing and support.*** :) [WP]Sword-Saint and [WP]Kane for their help with the loading screen. [WP]George for initially hosting the file. Caskou, from CaskAmi and the IW forums. [IWN/MMS]Wyatt Earp, for all the wonderful video tutorials. [TontonsFlingueurs]Valoche for some help with doors to be added later. All the kind folks at who provided additional testing and support. Special thanks to Slyk of after-hourz for his help and advice re: portals. All the folks on the IW forums, and Call of Duty.Org forums. Linda for all your support.