================================================================ Title : mp_windmills Author : VegaObscura Release Date : June 1, 2004 Email Address : msv35@hotmail.com Home Page : Game : Call of Duty Players : dm/tdm/BEL = 60 ... SD/RE = 32 each site ================================================================ TO IN INSTALL THIS MAP USE WINZIP OR WINRAR TO EXTRACT IT THEN PUT THE PK3 IN YOUR Call of duty/Main FOLDER THEN LOAD COD UP LOOK FOR "Windmill" DM , TDM , SD , RE ,Bel ================================================================ * MAP Information * Beta release : no New Textures : yes Suportet gametype : DM , TDM , SD ,RE ,BEL Build Time : long enough Editor used : CoD Radiant ================================================================ .map files included in this zip valleyv1.map mp_subharbor_day_v2.map Put these two files in your Call of Duty/Main/Maps folder and then view them in COD radiant ================================================================ Spezial thanks : IW ================================================================ * Copyright / Permissions * All original and composed textures in this level remain property of the sources respective owners. You MAY distribute this PK3 in any electronic format (BBS, Internet, CD, etc) as long as you contact me first, include all files intact in the original archive with Readme File If u bring out a CD in store for sold u get out of Law if u not inform me ! copyright 2001 - 2004 =================================================== * Warning - Must Read and Understand Before Use* The author of this file accepts no responsibility for damage to data, or physical damage to hardware, caused by the appropriate or inappropriate use of this file. It is deemed that users who run this file, automatically are considered as having read and understood this liability clause before using the said file. ===================================================