Arkov ------------- An original multiplayer map for Call of Duty by: =ARC= T-BAG To install: Extract the Arkov.pk3 file, and put in your Call of Duty/main folder. Storyline: Arkov is a small waypoints on the long road to Stalingrad. Although small in size it is important to the Union. Arkov is at the crossroads of a rail line, a major road and a river used for shipping. A small unit of Germans was assigned to take Arkov. Expecting little resistance they brought only 2 tanks. We join the battle early on. The Germans managed to lay waste to one side of the river but before they could cross one tank was destroyed and the other sunk through the ice. It soon became obvious that the Arkov was ready for the German assault, having heard news for months as the German menace advanced through Russia. It is rumored that Arkov is undermined by a system of tunnels which greatly adds to the defense of the city. Supported game types: Deathmatch Team Deathmatch Retrieval Headquarters Search and Destroy Behind Enemy Lines Thanks and Credit are due to: Infinity Ward and Activision for creating a great game. ID Software for making the Quake 3 engine. Wyatt Erp. Check out his video tutorials on building for COD. Team ARC. This map has been extensively beta tested. Without the help of Team ARC the map would not be near as good as it is. Many ideas for features within the map came from ARC members. Check out the website at Very special thanks are owed to several people. =ARC= DonalGraeme contributed a vast number ideas for the map. He also was a great help in beta testing the map. Jackal-X and =ARC= Tattoo also played a huge role for the same reasons. =ARC='s Nightstalker and Ragnarok brought a rifleman's perspective to beta testing. VilePickle found an enormous number of texture errors and -=LB=- Wrasp found a serious map exploit. Thank you very much. The programs I used to make the map were COD Radiant, COD builder and the NVidea DDS plugin for photoshop. =ARC= T-BAG Permissions* All original and composed textures or assets in this level remain property of the sources respective owners. You MAY distribute this ZIP,PK3 in any not-for-profit electronic format (BBS, Internet, CD, etc) as long as you include all files, including this readme, intact in the original archive. =========================================================================== * Warning - Must Read and Understand Before Use* The author of this file accepts no responsibility for damage to data, or physical damage to hardware, caused by the appropriate or inappropriate use of this file. It is deemed that users who run this file, automatically are considered as having read and understood this liability clause before using the said file. ===========================================================================