MP_WAREHOUSE By Drapan ----- Wanted to put something together with the tools and well, here's the result after a Weekends work. ----- To install: 1. If you dont have a usermaps folder in your Call of Duty 4 folder, Create one. 2. Unpack the "warehouse_map.rar" file with WinRAR. 3. Move the unpacked mp_warehouse folder to your usermaps folder. If you've done it right the path should be like this ../Call of Duty 4/usermaps/mp_warehouse And the mp_warehouse folder should contain 3 files mp_warehouse.ff mp_warehouse_load.ff mp_warehouse.iwd ----- To uninstall: Simply remove the mp_warehouse folder in your usermaps folder. ----- Supports: Deathmatch / Free for all Teamdeath match NO Oldschool 2-20 Players supported 2-4 Players recommeded in DM/FFA 2-8 Players recomended in TDM ----- Contact: PM me (Drapan) on forums ----- Thanks to: sFx Clan for testing ( sFx|Koop sFx|Tigerman sFx|JarJar sFx|Impetus super_gun virre heady -----