Map Title: mp_al_jabal Map Version: 1.5 Orginal creator: T.R.Graves E-mail: Website: , Date: 10.10.2009 ================================================== This map is a medium large map and plays in a arab town Allies = Marines Axis = Opfor ================================================== Game: Call of Duty 4 Supported Gametypes: * Deathmatch * Team Deathmatch * Domination * Search and Destroy * HeadQuarters * Sabotage * Capture the Flag Map Size: medium Mods tested : ACE, Awe ================================================== Contents of this Package: /mp_ mp_al_jabal.ff mp_al_jabal.ff mp_al_jabal.iwd /readme ================================================== Installation Instructions: Place the [Map_name] folder within your USERMAPS folder on your Call of Duty 4 Installation ================================================== Construction Time: a long Time ================================================== Credits/Thanks: Thanks to Activision for providing the tools/assets. ================================================== All original and composed textures or assets in this modification remain property of the sources respective owners.