========================================== brecourt_winter for CoD v1.4 8-31-04 ========================================== Modifications by: |OCG|=gLiTcH= http://ocgamers.net - OverClocked Gamers =========================================== Notes: I know this isn't historically correct (winter wise), this modded map came to be from total bordem and waiting for the upcoming release of CoD:UO. I started messing with some stock maps, and this is one that seemed to work well with the changes. Map: mp_brecourt has been re-textured to a winter scene. I made some of my own bush models by tweaking ones that were available in the game. The sky has some moving clouds on the horizon. No spawns or objectives were moved, so it will play as if it was the original. All in all, it will play just like the stock map, and nothing is ovewritten so no need to worry. Known issues: (though it doesn't effect gameplay) -some bullet decals register wrong - (ex. shoot snow in some spots & grass blades fly up, etc.), consider it as a shallow snow in those spots. -lighting - I've messed with this countless times and can't really dim it down. I guess it's do to the flare/lighting process from the original .bsp. Other than that, it's good to go. Enjoy! |OCG|=gLiTcH= http://ocgamers.net