BRJANSK --------------- Map information --------------- Title: Brjansk Filename: mp_brjansk.pk3 BSP name: mp_brjansk.bsp Version: 1.0 Release date: 21 July 2004 Author: Siffer E-mail: Homepage: ------------ Installation ------------ Extract mp_brjansk.pk3 into your Call of Duty\Main folder. To play the map, start COD multiplayer and create a server. Choose 'mp_brjansk' from the server map list. ------------ Construction ------------ Build time: About 1 and a half month including beta testing Compile time: About 1 hour Compile machine: Pentium 4, 2400 MHz, 512 MB RAM memory Base: New map Editor(s) used: CoDRadiant Known bugs: None, but please e-mail me if you find any :) New textures: No New sounds: No Custom music: No ---------------- Play information ---------------- Game: Call of Duty Multiplayer Supported gametypes: DM, Team DM, RE and BEL Players: Recommended for 8 - 16 players -------------- Special thanks -------------- I would like to thank the following people for helping me with beta testing, feedback, suggestions and bug reporting: Burt Cyion Wakka ...and everyone else on the IWNation and Marko's Map Design forums! Thanks! --------------------- Copyright/permissions --------------------- You may distribute this ZIP or PK3 in any not-for-profit electronic format (BBS, Internet, CD, etc.) as long as you contact me first, and include all files, including this readme, intact in the original archive. You may not decompie and/or modify this map in any way. This map is made by Siffer. Copyright (c) 2004 Siffer. Have fun and thank you for playing this map!