Arcville ------------- An original multiplayer map for Call of Duty by: =ARC= T-BAG To install: Extract the arcville.pk3 file, and put in your Call of Duty main folder. Storyline: The Germans captured a small city named Arcville just across the Maginot Line in France. The city fell quickly and was largely undamaged by combat. While taking stock of the town, the Germans found an ancient relic - The Egyptian Book of the Dead. Word has been sent out by the French Resistance that the Germans are attempting to use the secrets in the Book of the Dead to cheat death and become immortal. A small band of American Soldiers has been sent to investigate. The mission: capture the Book of the Dead, disrupt German communications and destroy any heavy armor in Arcville. Supported game types: Deathmatch Team Deathmatch Retrieval Headquarters Search and Destroy Behind Enemy Lines Thanks and Credit are due to: Infinity Ward and Activision for creating a great game. I owe most of the textures and models in this game to them. ID Software for making the Quake 3 engine. Wyatt Erp. Check out his video tutorials on building for COD. Everything I know about building for COD I learned from him, and we've never met! Team ARC. This map has been extensively beta tested. Without the help of Team ARC the map would not be near as good as it is. Many ideas for features within the map came from ARC members. Check out the website at My friends Herve Villachez and Jackal-X who also contributed ideas and helped test. The programs I used to make the map were COD Radiant, COD builder and the NVidea DDS plugin for photoshop. Thank you everyone! =ARC= T-BAG *Arcville the map and all of the files contained in this zip folder may be distributed freely provided that they are not altered in anyway, and that this text file always accompanies.